Monday, October 02, 2006

The day today - its all good stuff

Mello Yello has been re-released for a limited time by Coca Cola - Rock the Casbah! But anyway that wasnt what this post was gonna be about.

Well firstly - what was this guy thinking!?!?! It should probably be noted that in New Zealand, or Japan for that matter what this Congressman did would be perfectly legal - not entirely moral, but legal.... and its the moral point thats key. What I can't understand though is why can't they keep it in their pants?? The best bit of this is that the guy who did this, was behind the legislation that banned grooming of minors over the web! Which means he could now be put away under the legislation he created and promoted!

Now for some web goodies - White Heron Dairy in Parnell, Auckland has set up a blog - not sure you could find a more useless/kick ass blog??

While we're on about crap/funny/great websites check this puppy out - possibly the ultimate in design. (make sure you have your sound on - its totally worth it)

Now finally, while posting this I have been watching the very excellent/nerdy Mythbusters they have been looking at whether a Matchbox toy car would beat a real Dodge Viper on a gravity powered downhill run. They also tested how fast a Matchbox toy car could go before the wheels disintegrated. It got to 85mph which is about 136kph, before the car flew off - the wheels were fine.

Also here's something to ponder - theoretically could a plane take off on a conveyor belt??

Oh and the toy car won the downhill run over 100 feet.


gus said...

well, good to see your back on the blogging track. I was worried about you for a little while there...

Are they using the same ads? Must be, why wouldnt they?! I reckon it'll go like hot cakes and stay for good.

a politician being hipocritical?!... never...

beetlebum said...

No the mello is a limited run.... although isnt it just Lift?

Anyway yes we're back for Season 2!