Saturday, June 30, 2007

Robots in disguise

I went and saw Transformers last night... it pretty much is the TFU film of the year. What is TFU you ask? The Fuckest Uppest - it kicked so much ass its not funny.

The action is awesome, its actually pretty funny and it has the same camp quality that Star Wars had.

Three guys had dressed up as Transformers in the audience too which kicked ass - the Optimus Prime and Megatron guys were pretty good - the third guy was the lesser known "dishwasher-box-with-tin-foil- around-the arms-a-tron" but good effort all the same... cant have been comfortable sitting for about 2 hours in a box though??

Its a real fan-boy film, anyone who ever played with Transformers will just love it - you should have heard the nervous squeals of excitement as the theatre lights dimmed (and that was just me!).

Oh and in answer to Trey Parker and Matt Stone's question in Team America, yes Pearl Harbour sucks, but this is why Michael Bay gets to keep on making movies.

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