Monday, August 20, 2007

Where's a good protocol droid when you need one?

I have (against my better judgement) joined the Face Book "phenomenon". I still don't really get it. I guess since I have a blog, I feel that my self-indulgent-web-quota has been filled and that I don't really need a Face Book profile - but after much encouragement I joined anyway.

However, since joining I have been vexed by the protocols surrounding the whole thing. Today's copy of the Bulletin has an article on 'poking' people and asking people to be 'friends'. It suggests that just because someone was next to you in the queue at your supermarket, it doesn't mean you should be Face Book buddies. Quite right. But what point is the cut off? At what point do you approach people? Do you make like a wallflower and wait for people to approach you? Or do you go nuts and just start sending off invitations to your intermediate school classmates?

And if you see people you know, you then ask yourself - well why haven't they added me themselves? Did I piss them off? Has my mind deleted some 'incident' where I 'wronged' this person? Or was it them, who crossed me? Do I actually hate this person? Have I simply forgotten my deep-seated hatred for their existence? I can't remember - I haven't seen them in nearly 8 years!

This has just added another complex layer to the lives of the socially awkward.

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