Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I'm actually starting to think the Brits might be on to something with not bothering with TV debates. They're a sham.

Every single debate I have seen this year has been a rock solid waste of time. Tonight's TV One debate between Clark and Key fell right into that category, I think I spoke for many when I shouted "would someone tell John Key to shut the fuck up?"

I can't have been the only one to get hacked off with Key constantly blahhing on while Helen was talking. The stupid thing is - if that was Biden shouting over Palin or Obama shouting over Clinton's answers, they would have been called sexist and patronising - but here, Key does it with a smile and Armstrong calls him 'prime minister in waiting' FFS.

Our lame media still seem to think repeating a couple of slogans with an earnest look on your face is enough - I ask you, what the hell were the Herald journalists watching?? Does Audrey get in trouble with her father and brother if she doesnt talk Key up? I don't normally agree with Fran but at least she is rational:

Clark scored best on the issue du jour - the international credit crisis. She has a post-election plan. Key doesn't.

Key was initially ineffectual letting Clark walk over him (shades of Don Brash). He recovered and successfully challenged Clark's rhetoric on climate change and crime.

But to win, he needs to come up with fresh material at the next debate to convince us he can deal with the crisis. Not just talk slogans.

Also while I'm at it - did John Key have more hair? Is he a male pattern baldness denier? Just putting it out there - but I'm suspecting some ruggage.

I think I would sooner watch hour long in depth interviews with someone like Kim Hill - or even someone new like Oliver Driver, who did excellent interviews on Alt and was all over that clown on the dopey new copyright law this morning. Hell lets get Katie Couric!

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