Monday, February 02, 2009

Walk the Line... the Johnsonville Line

Ahhh infrastructure investment...mmmmmm. You will remember that two years ago Labour invested a carriage load of cash into rail which included upgrading the crappy Johnsonville Line in Wellington.

Well now its almost done and OnTrack are having an open day (well open afternoon) this Wednesday (4 Feb) from 3pm to 7pm allowing Wellingtonians to literally walk-the-line between the Crofton Downs Station and the Wadestown crossing loop.

Should be a good opportunity to walk through rail tunnels like a madman and avoid the hefty fines and being mashed into tracks all at the same time!

Check out all the details on the OnTrack site.


Martha Craig said...

'Cos I'm like, totally cutting edge, I used to walk home along those tracks after school, after buying a bag of chips at Write Price (and writing the price on in Vivid). I'm old.

beetlebum said...

Write Price!? I think that the last remaining one is in the LV massiv (aka Levin)

Writing prices on with a vivid was so much better than dumb barcode scanners!

Martha Craig said...

Write Price lost its mojo a bit when technology outshone the innovation of writing it yourself. Shame, they could've really been onto something.