Sunday, November 05, 2006

Time for bold action

I was in Levin at the weekend, and the NZ Film Festival has reached there (as it always does) so I took the old man to see Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth at his suggestion.

In all there were only around 5 or 6 empty seats in theatre - which gives me hope. Climate Change has been all the rage this week - this screening was framed by the release of the Stern Report in Britain - which backs Gore up, and the NZ Labour conference where Helen set out her vision on the issue as follows:

I believe it’s time to be bold in this area.

Why shouldn’t New Zealand aim to be the first country which is truly sustainable? Not by sacrificing our living standards, but by being smart and determined.

We can now move to develop more renewable energy, biofuels, public transport alternatives, and minimise, if not eliminate, waste to landfills.

We could aim to be carbon neutral.

I believe that sustainability will be a core value in 21st century social democracy.

· I want New Zealand to be in the vanguard of making it happen – for our own sakes, and for the sake of our planet.
· I want sustainability to be central to New Zealand’s unique national identity.

And fostering our unique national identity is central to the purpose of our government, and to my purpose in being in politics.

Our country is special, and our people are special.

Oh and Brash says he's still not sure there really is an issue. Winner.

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