Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thats not mine... honest

Oh how unfortunate, the "suspicious" package that caused a bomb scare at the Auckland Airport international mail centre actually turned out to be a "harmless" sex-aid.
Herald story here

And in other news (and you know its funny) Heather Mills, formerly Mrs Paul MacCartney fell over during her routine on the US version of Dancing with the Stars (her latest money-making venture). Thats karma baby!
Stuff story here

Lastly, John Key showed his hypocritical side this morning on bFM in his interview with Mikey Havoc. Havoc was actually pretty good on the smacking bill stuff, but it was the party pills where Key really shone. Apparently we should ban them now as BZP is bad. However three or four weeks ago they were all the rage with Matt Bowden, the main party pill lobbyist in NZ "popping" up in almost all the gossip column photos of Key's fundraiser in Auckland for hip-young under 40 year olds. One can only assume that Matt didnt offer enough of a donation?
Listen to the bFM interview via Scoop here

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