Thursday, October 25, 2007

Greatest all time soundtrack

Vanity Fair has come up with a list of the top 50 movie soundtracks, not sure I entirely agree with them - but its not bad in any case

Vanity Fair's Top 10

1. Purple Rain (Prince's film - VF called the soundtrack - a combination of "funk, R&B, pop, metal, and even psychedelia into a sound that defined the '80s", but described the film itself as "perhaps the most badly-acted ever".)
2. A Hard Day's Night (The Beatles... in case you didn't know)
3. The Harder They Come (1972 film - never heard of it - starred Jimmy Cliff... apparently)
4. Pulp Fiction
5. The Graduate
6. Trainspotting
7. Saturday Night Fever
8. Superfly
9. American Graffiti and
10. The Big Chill

My top 5 (granted I haven't put too much thought into it)

1. Magnolia (The movie was BOLLOCKS (don't lie, you know it really is) but the soundtrack is fantastic - well the Aimee Mann tracks - which is most of them)
2. Pulp Fiction
3. Trainspotting
4. Almost Famous
5. High Fidelity
Highly commended would be the Velvet Goldmine, Standing in the Shadows of Mowtown, I am Sam and probably even Eagle vs Shark (but that's just because its in my car stereo at the moment).

I didn't count the numerous Beatles 'soundtracks' as the 'movies' they were linked to were actually more extended music videos. Also I didn't count films like the Johnny Cash biopic - Walk the Line nor Edith Piaf's La Vie En Rose (which is worth seeing - the lead should win best actress) as I think they were more 'best of' collections.

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