Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Who would have thought?

My initial reaction to the news that the Police had raided alleged terrorist training camps in the Bay of Plenty and other related properties throughout the country - was that, surely they are over reacting here.

But, when you read about their haul of firearms, you can't help but think - fucking hell! I mean napalm FFS!

The 'pacifists' from Abel Smith St in Wellington were hillarious - they were apparently "mystified" as to why the Police would raid their house..... the "large semi-automatic weapons, molotov cocktails, shotguns and rifles" that were confiscated might be a clue. Id love to hear their definition of pacifism.

The Police seem to be suggesting that this was Maori seperatist groups working with envionmental and other likeminded activists. This could do untold damage to the credibility of legitimate community and political lobby groups.

Crazy stuff.

1 comment:

gus said...

Just goes to show, Abel Smith street needs the chop like Cuba St got!!