Sunday, June 08, 2008


What was I thinking? I shocked a few people when I bought the Wii roughly a year ago and shocked myself when I completed.. sorry I think the correct lingo is 'clocked' Lego Star Wars. But it still something of a stretch for me to grasp why I bought Wii Fit

Ok im being a little melodramatic - its not that bad - in fact its pretty good fun, but I am feeling it in my legs especially.

You look like a prick doing the stuff - more so than Wii Sports, but you also feel like you're getting a work out. You stand on a pad thing which measures your BMI and weight etc (you're out of your mind if you think I'm going there) - and it monitors your balance during the exercises and games. Useful bit of humiliation though - once its done your BMI it changes your Mii character so it reflects your (ok my) tubby bitch frame - yeah I kinda know what the situation is already, I'm not sure I need a cartoon to reinforce it.

There are four types of exercises - strength training, Yoga, balance games (ski slalom etc) and aerobics. Most of the aerobic stuff seemed a bit rubbish - like jogging with the Wii-mote in your hand - but the Hoola Hoop was great fun (ranks highly on the makes you look like a tool scale). Ski Jump and Ski Slalom are great - you have to get your balance right and then either rise from a squat position to a full (balanced) extension on the jump or shift your weight from side to side to move through the slalom course.

So anyway I guess I'll give it a whirl and see how we get on - but so far it does seem to have stuck a good balance between fun/games and getting a work out of it.


Anonymous said...

I'm so keen to give the wii fitness a try out!

Have you tried the Mario vs Sonic Olympic games? I am the world record holder in a number of events now :)

beetlebum said...

Well I just owned at Yoga! My Sun Salutation rules - also set new records for Ski Slalom and Football headng. YUS!

Havent seen Mario v Sonic yet - reviews look good so i'll check it out - there is a Lego Indy game coming out along the lines of the Star Wars one - sweetness.