Friday, November 07, 2008


Well I was actually on the money with my call for the US elections - with Obama gaining 364 electoral college votes to McCain's 174 - and while Im talking myself up I will note that I did pick Obama as an outsider to watch over two years ago - mind you at the time I was hoping for a Gore/Obama ticket - but still!

I watched the results come in at the US embassy's event and I have to say I hadn't anticipated just how euphoric and emotional the occasion would be. The result was historic for so many reasons - not only has his election smashed through the 'bradley effect', but it has also quashed the notion of blue and red states with Obama winning states like North Carolina, Indiana and Virginia, its shown that the Democrats aren't only strong on the coasts and proven that the Democrats can be elected during an economic crisis not mention a war.

Anyway - fingers crossed im not too far off tomorrow.

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