First there was the excellent "Balls" advert and at the moment they are running their new building colour explosion one. In this age of CGI I had assumed that the Balls advert has fake, but it wasn't - Sony (well their agency) actuallyfired thousands of colour balls down a street in San Francisco.
So when their new advert began, I thought - hmmm i onder if they actually fired all that paint for real? Well kids they sure did.
In total it took:
70,000 litres of paint
358 single bottle bombs
33 sextuple air cluster bombs
22 Triple hung cluster bombs
268 mortars
33 Triple Mortars
22 Double mortars
358 metres of weld
330 metres of steel pipe and
57 km of copper wire
If you havent seen the ad - check it out at
That ad kicks ass!
While in Tokyo we visited the Sony building in Ginza. They have plenty of nice stuff of late huh! Oh, to be rich...
Both Balls and the Paint bomb ads are fantastic - and are all the better for not being CGI!
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