Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hallmark hookers

Normally im anti Christmas Cards - well greeting cards in general.

Why you ask? well whats the point? A whole industry has been created where you effectively have to add $5 to the price of gifts - so why not just say "merry christmas" or "happy birthday" when you hand said gift over?

The only other situation you normally use the card in is when you dont want to talk to someone, or buy a gift for someone, but feel the need to keep up that annual contact. If this is you - i ask, why not pick up the phone? Jerry Seinfeld calls greeting cards - Hallmark Hookers, you basically pay hallmark to do the job for you cause basically you can't be bothered.

Well anyway against my better judgement - I have made an exception and sent cards out this year. Tinks (Antony)- a friend of mine has made some cards that feature a piece of grafiti that he saw in Melbourne earlier this year - someone had written "Santa isnt real kids" on a wall, but someone had gone to the trouble of going back and twinking out the "nt" so it read "Santa is real kids" - isnt that great that someone would go to all that trouble? Bah well I thought so anyway, maybe im just getting too sentimental in my old age?

You can see the image here currently

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