Thursday, December 07, 2006

The tie and Elton

The blogger thingy hasnt worked for me this week, so this is a belated update.

Pictured is the tie mentioned below. Enough said really. Mind you as gutted as I was, its funny how other developments and events continue to put things like this in perspective.

In other news - Elton John was in town this week for his one off show, and I heard quite a funny story about this.

Now a friend and colleague of mine's teenage son works for Ruth Pretty Catering who catered for Elton. Now Elton 'required' a personal waiter for the evening......

Naturally being teenagers this guy got loads of shit from his mates for acting as this waiter - along obvious lines, but im not sure you would expect your parents to be mercilessly taking the piss, and when you drop into their work having to put up with "hey rent boy" calls from just about everyone! But said mother had the best call on this - speculating on a potential Elton quote - "Errgghh, pass us another, this one's split"

And on that bombshell ill leave you again.

1 comment:

gus said...

classic quote. send it to wikiquotes!