Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bain of our lives

Was anyone else surprised how normal David Bain looked following his release on bail yesterday? Where was the knitwear??

As shallow as it sounds, you have to wonder why his defence team didnt allow him to appear at any of his previous hearings. I think he would have actually gained a lot of public sympathy if people thought of someone normal - rather than a funny looking 22 year old with weird jerseys and a paper round when thinking of 'David Bain'. I kind of hope now the crown let it go and dont pursue another trial.

But now we all like Bain, we shouldn't just let May 15 go by in future - somehow I think we should annually mark the day David Bain was freed. David Bain Day if you will. Next year on May 15 I urge everyone to pull out there most 'Bainest' piece of knitwear and wear it with pride!

Also another idea, why doesn't Te Kauwhata follow the great kiwi tradition of building big stupid "icons" - and build a huge David Bain jersey now its going to be his new home?? You could even make it a community event, get all the locals to each knit a square metre patch to make up the jersey! (You would have to ensure everyone did different - unmatching patterns though).

NB. The Second picture is an artists impression of what Angus or"Cosby" may look like on David Bain Day 2008.


karen said...

I'm with you Andrew. I still can't believe how normal he looks... I don't know what I was expecting, but I certainly wasn't expecting a well groomed man in a suit who looks like a screen writer or something similar. I also wonder why his defence team didn't use him.

gus said...

can I borrow one of your jumpers? I know you gots some... you aint gots to lie!

beetlebum said...

A screenwriter? It does completely change your impression of him.

But Dr Huxtable you should still have loads of jerseys tucked away???