Friday, May 04, 2007

May the 4th

May the 4th is of course International Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you - geddit? Oh forget it.... you people...)

Anyway make sure you make time to acknowledge the holy trilogy at some point today! Break out A New Hope, Empire, or Jedi - theyre always worth revisiting!

May the force be with you.


Anonymous said...

The physician and the philosopher agree only when both acknowledge that unconscious psychic processes are the appropriate and well-justified expression for an established fact.. Glancing upward at the clock on the mantelpiece (for I felt too drowsy to take out my watch), I had the pleasure to find that I had still twenty-five minutes to spare.. I put it all over 'em last night, Major, he began exultantly.. Auchmuty came to her in pity for poor Ingham, who was so bored by the stupid pundit--and Auchmuty could not understand why I stood it so long.. The black-eyed boy looked reproach as they clattered up the stairs to Ross's room, where the clean collar was produced and a small stock of ties...

beetlebum said...

OOOoo we have spam!!

gus said...

thats awesome!! so random too