Friday, May 25, 2007

Let's fuck it up some more!

Jesus, God, No.

George Lucas has apparently hinted that there is going to another Star Wars film. There was a time when this would have been greeted with great excitement - more additions to the holy trilogy, but not since Jar Jar, Lucas and Anakin went about destroying my memories.

Anyway its going to be another prequel, this time telling the story of how the Jedi over came the Sith originally. Now on paper for Star Wars fans like myself that does sound mouth watering, however given that we have the knowledge that 90 per cent of the film will be cartoonish CGI, I expect it will be rubbish.

What is with Lucas - youre involved with two of the greatest trilogies of all time (Indy being the other one) why return years later to fuck them up? (Indy 4 is currently shooting).

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