Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Profiles in Courage

In the latest NewsWeek, they asked some of the leading Presidential candidates to name which President they thought displayed courage - the answers actually give some insight into the candidates.

John Edwards (D): Lyndon B. Johnson (over the Civil Rights Act)
John McCain (R): Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt (for regulating resource barrons on Wall St)
Barack Obama (D): John F. Kennedy (over the Cuban Missile Crisis)
Rudy Giuliani (R): Ronald Reagan (for walking out of the Reykjavik Conference)
Mitt Romney (R): George H. W. Bush (for serving in WWII)

The others are all nobodies so lets not worry - no Hillary though - maybe they thought she would just say Bill over the Monica Lewinsky thing??

Anyway, interesting all the same I thought.

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