Friday, December 07, 2007

Is this wrong

Im kind of comforted that im not the only person who wants to pash their new Mac!

Yes people it is official - after the whole Noel Leemings debacle, I have gone out and bought a new Mac (from Dick Smith - I am honouring the Noel Leemings Trade Embargo). I have flirted with the idea of getting a Mac for years, but always thought changing OS would be more trouble than its worth - its not - I love it, its ridiculously easy and I will never buy another PC again.

I even have the whole Skype whatsit downloaded! (or whatever you call it)

I guess this is one small step for man, one giant leap for Blackbird Singing.


Anonymous said...

one giant step indeed.
i'll have to look you up after the weekend for some chin wag.

Martha Craig said...

I love mine a little more every day...

Anonymous said...

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