Monday, December 10, 2007

Stormin Morman

Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, made his big "don't fear me because im morman" speech recently, replicating Kennedy's catholic speech. But unlike Kennedy, who by talking about his faith - shut the issue down, Romney appears to have made matters worse.

While in most countries I don't think it would matter too much that you were Morman, it does in the US - with some states taking a particularly dim view of it. However, Romney had been competitive in most polls till uber-Christian, Mike Huckabee stormed ahead of Romney and the morally liberal, Giuliani. Hence, Romney is trying reach across all faiths in attempting to court the religous vote.

In this very good article, Matthew Yglesias rips into Romney following the speech -

It's hard to see this as anything other than an effort to trick people; the Mormon emphasis on Gethsemane rather than the crucification is not a trivial theological difference, nor is the fact that Mormons believe in "another," more important, Testament of Jesus Christ in addition to the Christian Bible. I don't personally have a stake in that quarrel but I paid enough attention in Bible class at Grace Church School to know that this isn't some nothing to be papered over.

However, my main issue with Romney is actually his flip-flopping. When he ran for Governor of the liberal state of Massachusetts he was pro-choice and pro-gay rights. Now he is running for President and trying to get the red-neck vote - he's pro-life and anti gay rights. Be one thing or the other and stick to it.

What is most pleasing is that while he may be polling well within the Republicans, he trails the leading Democrats in head-to-head polling according to the latest Curia newsletter.

Romney v Clinton (Clinton by 11 per cent)
Romney v Obama (Obama by 13 per cent)
Romney v Edwards (Edwards by 15 per cent)

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