Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Retro madness

So far in my new job I have had to use the online broadcast of Radio New Zealand National (previously National Radio), but not anymore.

During my weekend shopping expedition I picked up the little gem pictured, for my desk.

Don't you just love the aerial in the middle?


gus said...

loving the radio. Excellent choice.

karen said...

can't leave a long message.. am very busy cooking some eggs for my husband.
i am switching to gmail today, but don't have another email address for you since you left parliament. how do you suggest we do the switcharoo?

beetlebum said...

use Angus as a middle man?

karen said...

hmmm, good thinking.
he told me that you emailed all your 'friends' your new email address. that one must have somehow got lost in cyberspace when it was on it's way to me.

your bathroom is looking very swanky

beetlebum said...

I technically didnt email 'friends' my new address - as that would have included you if I had. Ohhh. I have made up for the earlier oversight when I emailed "some people" by emailing my new addresses to your husband for your consumption.