Monday, May 19, 2008

Iron Man redux

I went and saw Iron Man last night and I have to say, if you're a comic/superhero fan boy like myself then chances are you will dig this.

The action sequences are predictably wicked and there are strong turns from Robert Downey Jr and Jeff 'The Dude' Bridges. Jon Favreau's presence throughout confused me a tad- he was playing an assistant at Downey's company - and I figured surely he hasn't hit the hard times accepting background roles, he must pop up as a bad guy? Then I realised - duh he's the director!

But anyway basically its about a billionaire weapons manufacturer who get kidnapped in Afghanistan, so he builds a kick ass suit and turns himself into a hero. As you do.

The only problem I felt was that it took a little too long telling the story of him building the suit - yeah we know what he's doing - I don't need to see every prototype!!

Still its a good watch and going by the extra bit at the end of the credits it looks like we're going to get a sequel.

Oh and hopefully if the pics come through I'll be able to blog my fishing exploits from the weekend, tomorrow.

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