Monday, May 12, 2008

Twangers and Tack

You would not believe how badly I want/need a Jenna Bush commemorative wedding mug - I already have the Charles and Diana plate and Charles and Camilla beer mug, so I think a Jenna Bush mug would just top it off.

John Fothergill had a good line about Bush at the comedy show I went to a week or so back - "I thought George Bush was something that got caught between Zippy's teeth" and of course the Rainbow reference creates a perfect opportunity to share the infamous video of that episode.


Anonymous said...

what the fuck?! is that clip for real?

beetlebum said...

LOL no it was apparently done as an end of the year internal Christmas joke video for other BBC staff - wasn't intended for public release. Mind you I always thought Rainbow was a little subversive.

Anonymous said...

hahaha I was starting to wonder what I watched as a child and never knew!! How funny.