Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Too easy

You know I could start making sarky comments but when you've got a news day like today... it kind of speaks for itself.

First up is the age old lesson of living by the sword/dying by the sword... or in this case the lightsaber. To be fair to Lord Vader - they were asking for it - pesky rebel scum.

Second we have the fattest guy in the world who is planning to go walkabout... by walkabout he means be loaded by a forklift on to the back of the ute - but hey full credit to him he has lost 235kgs.

Thirdly (Stuff was on fire today) its none other than the friendly Hindu family from Mt Roskill who didnt realise painting a huge fuck off swastika on their roof would cause offence. Yeah I realise its a hindu symbol, and Hitler stole it and turned it and all that shit - but really? Is there nothing else you could use? And I'm not sure how you could miss World War II?

Fourth is poor little Fanta-pants himself, Mick Hucknall, getting all upset (i bet he went red in the face - they do that) about being called a Ginger - its as bad as racism says Hucknall. What amused me was his assertion that he's slept with "loads of women"... really? Did that actually happen Mick? If so, how many of them were gingas? The only women the article lists are Zeta-Jones and ex-Eastender, Martine McCutcheon - both brunettes, so is he in ginge-denial?

And finally, possibly the headline of the year from the BBC - Great tits cope well with warming. No more cold-fronts?

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