Monday, August 11, 2008

Knight Rider

It was with quite a bit apprehension that I watched the tele-movie/pilot for the new series of Knight Rider - and unsurprisingly it was well-founded apprehension.

This time KITT is a badass Shelby Mustang - which can change colour through the nanotechnology (as you do) and its driven by Michael Knight's son - Mike Traceur.

The story is about the scientist who developed KITT and these bad dudes from a corrupt security agency who produce weapons and are doing dodgy stuff in Iraq (no silly not the US Government!) who try to capture him and his secret work (called Prometheus) so they can make their own KITT.

We were talking about this today - and we all agreed that it would it be hilarious to 'leak' some official looking documents to someone like Kedgeley or Locke from the Greens talking about this outrageous top secret US defense project called Prometheus and make up some bullshit about it being connected to Echelon and the Waihopai Base, just to see if they ask questions about it in the house! Imagine the response - yes I am aware of Prometheus as well as the Knight 2000 Trans-Am and Knight 3000 Mustang and of course David Hasselhoff. However the Government is not contributing any money to these projects.

Anyway back to the movie - there are some wicked bits with KITT - like coming out of C130 like it used to out of a truck - but the script is ridiculous and the plot was even worse. My favourite line had to be: "These are the most complex algorhythms I've ever seen!" ROFL! But hey, you don't watch Knight Rider for the story do you?

The Hoff pops his head in at the end - but someone who's star has clearly fallen even further is Val Kilmer - he does KITT's voice - Iceman and Top Secret are distant memories huh? You know you've hit rock bottom when you're doing voice work for a fuckin car!

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